Downtown Improvement District Commission

Established by Town ordinance in 1996, the Downtown District Improvement Commission (DIDC) meets annually (typically in December) to develop the budget for the Downtown Improvement District (DID) for the coming fiscal year and make a recommendation to the Selectboard regarding the tax rate to be assessed to businesses within the district for making planned downtown improvements.

The DIDC, and the accompanying downtown district, is designed to provide additional taxing authority and revenues to the Selectboard to implement public improvements that benefit properties in the DID.

The Commission may also meet from time to time during the year to review and prioritize proposed improvement projects that will provide a public benefit to the assessed properties within the District.

DIDC Members
  • Dan Brown (Selectboard representative) - 2023-2026
  • Bill Cunningham - 2022-2025
  • Stacey Rainey - 2023-2026
  • Phyllis Stinson, Alternate
  • Lorraine Tobias, Vice-Chair - 2023-2026
  • Heidi Franz Trembley, Alternate
  • 2 Vacancies
  • Kathleen Ramsay - Staff (Planning & Zoning)