Means Woods Trustees

The D.M.Means Woods (29.4 acres) was gifted to the Town in 1969 by Elinor Means with covenant restrictions limiting its use to a green space in conjunction with Battell Woods (located immediately south, across Seminary Street Extension) and Chipman Hill (to the northeast, separated by 1000 feet of private property). The Trail Around Middlebury (TAM) runs the course of the 'Old Town Road' traversing the eastern boundary of the parcel, and numerous other walking trails criss-cross the property.

D.M.Means Woods, together with Battell Woods and Chipman Hill, are the subject of a Town Ordinance protecting the trees and plants in them from removal without express permission of their respective trustees, and a Town Ordinance prohibiting firearms discharge. All three properties are under the aegis of the Town’s Ordinance for the daily closing of parks from 9pm to 6:30am.

The Trustees
Although the Means Woods property is owned by the Town of Middlebury, it is managed by the following trustees under mandate to preserve its woodland character:
  • David Allen, Ex-Officio
  • John Murphy
  • Amanda Werner
  • Robert Wheland